Hello World! I love this phrase. It makes me think of things that are optimistic, forward looking, and hopeful. It conjures up the idea of awakening, new birth, and new beginnings. It is Mary Tyler Moore and SpongeBob SquarePants all wrapped up in two little words.

I love the understated geekiness of it. It is the first program new software developers learn to write and is the signal that all is well and working properly. An input in one spot yields a “Hello World!” output in another spot. The birth of a new program. A new beginning.

We have a new beginning of sorts going on here at the Georgia Commission on Women. We have developed programs on everything from osteoporosis awareness to self-defense, but we have been limited in our reach to the places we could go personally. Georgia is too big a state for a team of only fifteen volunteers to cover, and it is frustrating that we cannot get to everyone. Now we are adapting to the times and embracing technology so we can connect with you easier and earlier.

We cannot wait to share with you our thoughts on all sorts of things happening in our state through our new website and blog. We have the capability not only to reach every person with an internet connection but also to get feedback and learn new things ourselves from you. Once you had to come to a town hall meeting to tell us what was on your mind. Now, you can reach us right here with a comment on our blog. (Please comment on our blog. Otherwise, it feels like I’m talking to myself.)

We hope you will engage with us. Our state has made great strides (Did you know Georgia leads the nation in the growth women-owned businesses?), but we also have many things we need to work on (Did you know Atlanta ranks as one of the worst cities for child sex trafficking?). There is much more for us to do. Together we can do great things, and we hope to get the conversation started here.

Hello World! Welcome to our new beginning! Pull up a keyboard, and tell us what is on your mind.